Brittany: I too
have a diabetic cat, RJ, who just turned 11 last month. He became DKA 2 summers
ago (when he was first diagnosed) and I was told by an after-hours emergency
Veterinarian that "I should strongly consider euthanasia because diabetes
is a huge commitment"... I refused to accept that answer, and brought him
into his regular vet the next morning. The vet sent me home with a bag of
fluids in hopes that he would start to feel better and eat again so I could
start insulin. Low and behold he started eating, and I began insulin and home
testing. It was a challenge at first, but now it's routine for us both and he's
doing great 2 years later! He also became DKA again last summer... but pulled
through again! Feline diabetes has opened my eyes to a world of cats who are
written off just because they develop a treatable condition. I would like to
adopt another diabetic one day when I have more space. However in the mean time
I would love to take my knowledge and pass it along to others who may be on the
fence about having a special needs pet.